Library CTPC.CC

Target language of closure conversion from CPS form

Require Import Bool List TheoryList.

Require Import LambdaTamer.LambdaTamer.

Require Import CTPC.Continuation.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Type language

Compared to the previous languages, we add a type of code annotated with an environment record type. Values of arrow type are formed by applying values of code types to appropriate environment records.


Inductive cty : Set :=
  | CNat : cty
  | CCont : list cty -> cty
  | CProd : list cty -> cty
  | CCode : list cty -> list cty -> cty.

Definition ctys := list cty.

Record cprojTy : Set := {
  ctFields : ctys;
  ctChosen : cty

Denotational semantics

Fixpoint ctyDenote (t : cty) : Set :=
  match t with
    | CNat => nat
    | CCont args =>
      (fix ctysDenote (ts : ctys) : Set :=
        match ts with
          | nil => unit
          | t :: ts' => (ctyDenote t * ctysDenote ts')%type
        end) args -> result
    | CProd ts =>
      (fix ctysDenote (ts : ctys) : Set :=
        match ts with
          | nil => unit
          | t :: ts' => (ctyDenote t * ctysDenote ts')%type
        end) ts
    | CCode ctx args =>
      (fix ctysDenote (ts : ctys) : Set :=
        match ts with
          | nil => unit
          | t :: ts' => (ctyDenote t * ctysDenote ts')%type
        end) ctx
      * (fix ctysDenote (ts : ctys) : Set :=
        match ts with
          | nil => unit
          | t :: ts' => (ctyDenote t * ctysDenote ts')%type
        end) args
      -> result

Fixpoint ctysDenote (ts : ctys) : Set :=
  match ts with
    | nil => unit
    | t :: ts' => (ctyDenote t * ctysDenote ts')%type

Definition cresultDenote (_ : unit) := result.

Definition cfuncTyDenote (args : ctys) := ctysDenote args -> result.

Definition cprojTyDenote (p : cprojTy) := ctysDenote (ctFields p) -> ctyDenote (ctChosen p).

Definition isSmall' (t : cty) :=
  match t with
    | CCode _ _ => false
    | _ => true

Fixpoint isSmalls' (ts : ctys) : bool :=
  match ts with
    | nil => true
    | t :: s => isSmall' t && isSmalls' s

Definition isSmall t := isSmall' t = true.
Definition isSmalls ts := isSmalls' ts = true.

Definition smallCty := sig isSmall.
Definition smallCtys := sig isSmalls.

Term language


Inductive cargs : list cty -> ctys -> Set :=
  | CANil : forall G, cargs G nil
  | CACons : forall G t ts,
    Var G t
    -> cargs G ts
    -> cargs G (t :: ts)

    with cproj : list cty -> cprojTy -> Set :=
  | CPFst : forall G t ts,
    cproj G (Build_cprojTy (t :: ts) t)
  | CPSnd : forall G t t' ts,
    cproj G (Build_cprojTy ts t)
    -> cproj G (Build_cprojTy (t' :: ts) t)

    with cprimop : list cty -> cty -> Set :=
  | CVar : forall G (t : smallCty),
    Var G (proj1_sig t)
    -> cprimop G (proj1_sig t)
  | CConst : forall G, nat -> cprimop G CNat
  | CClosure : forall G (ctx : smallCtys) args,
    Var G (CCode (proj1_sig ctx) args)
    -> cargs G (proj1_sig ctx)
    -> cprimop G (CCont args)
  | CProj : forall G ts t,
    Var G (CProd ts)
    -> cproj G (Build_cprojTy ts t)
    -> cprimop G t

    with clinear : list cty -> unit -> Set :=
  | CApply : forall G (args : smallCtys),
    Var G (CCont (proj1_sig args))
    -> cargs G (proj1_sig args)
    -> clinear G tt
  | CBind : forall G (t : smallCty),
    cprimop G (proj1_sig t)
    -> clinear (proj1_sig t :: G) tt
    -> clinear G tt

    with cfunc : list cty -> ctys -> Set :=
  | CFBody : forall G,
    clinear G tt
    -> cfunc G nil
  | CFLam : forall G (t : smallCty) ctx,
    cfunc (proj1_sig t :: G) ctx
    -> cfunc G (proj1_sig t :: ctx)

    with cfuncs : list cty -> ctys -> Set :=
  | CFNil : forall G, cfuncs G nil
  | CFCons : forall G ctx args ts,
    cfunc G (CProd ctx :: args)
    -> cfuncs (CCode ctx args :: G) ts
    -> cfuncs G (CCode ctx args :: ts).

Denotational semantics

Fixpoint cargsDenote G ctx (e : cargs G ctx) {struct e}
  : Subst ctyDenote G -> ctysDenote ctx :=
  match e in (cargs G ctx) return (Subst ctyDenote G -> ctysDenote ctx) with
    | CANil _ => fun _ => tt
    | CACons _ _ _ v e' => fun s => (VarDenote v s, cargsDenote e' s)

  with cprojDenote G pt (e : cproj G pt) {struct e}
  : Subst ctyDenote G -> cprojTyDenote pt :=
  match e in (cproj G pt) return (Subst ctyDenote G -> cprojTyDenote pt) with
    | CPFst _ _ _ => fun _ args => fst args
    | CPSnd _ _ _ _ e' => fun s args => cprojDenote e' s (snd args)

  with cprimopDenote (G : list cty) (t : cty) (op : cprimop G t) {struct op}
  : Subst ctyDenote G -> ctyDenote t :=
  match op in (cprimop G t) return (Subst ctyDenote G -> ctyDenote t) with
    | CVar _ _ v => VarDenote v
    | CConst _ n => fun _ => n
    | CClosure _ _ _ f e => fun s args => (VarDenote f s) (cargsDenote e s, args)
    | CProj _ _ _ p n => fun s => (cprojDenote n s) (VarDenote p s)

  with clinearDenote (G : list cty) (t : unit) (lin : clinear G t) {struct lin}
  : Subst ctyDenote G -> cresultDenote t :=
  match lin in (clinear G t) return (Subst ctyDenote G -> cresultDenote t) with
    | CApply _ _ func args => fun s =>
      (VarDenote func s) (cargsDenote args s)
    | CBind _ _ op lin' => fun s =>
      (cprimopDenote op s)
      (fun res => clinearDenote lin' (SCons _ res s))

  with cfuncDenote (G : list cty) (ct : ctys) (cf : cfunc G ct) {struct cf}
  : Subst ctyDenote G -> cfuncTyDenote ct :=
  match cf in (cfunc G ct)
    return (Subst ctyDenote G -> cfuncTyDenote ct) with
    | CFBody _ lin => fun s _ => clinearDenote lin s
    | CFLam _ _ _ cf' => fun s env => cfuncDenote cf' (SCons _ (fst env) s) (snd env)
  with cfuncsDenote (G : list cty) (ts : ctys) (fs : cfuncs G ts) {struct fs}
  : Subst ctyDenote G -> ctysDenote ts :=
  match fs in (cfuncs G ts) return (Subst ctyDenote G -> ctysDenote ts) with
    | CFNil _ => fun _ => tt
    | CFCons _ _ _ _ cf fs' => fun s =>
      (cfuncDenote cf s)
      (fun fd =>
          cfuncsDenote fs' (SCons (denote:= ctyDenote) (CCode _ _) fd s)))


Fixpoint ctysSubst (ts : ctys) : ctysDenote ts -> Subst ctyDenote ts :=
  match ts return (ctysDenote ts -> Subst ctyDenote ts) with
    | nil => fun _ => SNil _
    | t :: ts' => fun vs => SCons _ (fst vs) (ctysSubst _ (snd vs))

Implicit Arguments ctysSubst [ts].

Section cwithProg.
   Variable ty : Set.
   Variable term : list cty -> ty -> Set.

  Record cwithProg (G : list cty) (t : ty) : Set := {
    cFns : ctys;
    cDefs : cfuncs nil cFns;
    cBody : term (G ++ cFns) t

   Variable tyDenote : ty -> Set.
   Variable termDenote : forall G t, term G t -> Subst ctyDenote G -> tyDenote t.

  Definition cwithProgDenote (G : list cty) (t : ty) (p : cwithProg G t)
    : Subst ctyDenote G -> tyDenote t :=
    fun s => termDenote (cBody p) (appSubst s (ctysSubst (cfuncsDenote (cDefs p) (SNil _)))).
End cwithProg.

Implicit Arguments Build_cwithProg [term G t cFns].
Implicit Arguments cwithProgDenote [term tyDenote G t].

Definition cprog := cwithProg clinear.
Definition cprogDenote := cwithProgDenote _ clinearDenote.

Generate syntactic support code

Syntactify cargs.
Syntactify cargsDenote.

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