Library CTPC.CCify

Closure conversion

Require Import Eqdep Bool List TheoryList.

Require Import LambdaTamer.ListUtil.
Require Import LambdaTamer.LambdaTamer.
Require Import LambdaTamer.Tactics.

Require Import CTPC.Continuation.
Require Import CTPC.Cont.
Require Import CTPC.CC.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Auxiliary types

Definition cpprog := cwithProg cprimop.
Definition cpprogDenote := cwithProgDenote _ cprimopDenote.

Definition cfprog := cwithProg cfunc.
Definition cfprogDenote := cwithProgDenote _ cfuncDenote.

The closure conversion translation

Fixpoint ccTy (t : oty) : cty :=
  match t with
    | ONat => CNat
    | OCont args => CCont (map ccTy args)

Definition ccTys := map ccTy.

Theorem ccTySmall : forall t,
  isSmall (ccTy t).

Hint Resolve ccTySmall.

Theorem ccTysSmall : forall ts,
  isSmalls (map ccTy ts).

Hint Resolve ccTysSmall.

Theorem ccTysViSmall : forall ts vi,
  isSmalls (varInfo_apply (map ccTy ts) vi).

Hint Resolve ccTysViSmall.

Fixpoint appCfuncs G ts1 (fs1 : cfuncs G ts1) {struct fs1}
  : forall ts2, cfuncs G ts2 -> cfuncs G (ts1 ++ ts2) :=
    match fs1 in (cfuncs G ts1) return (forall ts2, cfuncs G ts2 -> cfuncs G (ts1 ++ ts2)) with
      | CFNil _ => fun _ fs' => fs'
      | CFCons _ _ _ _ f fs' => fun _ fs'' =>
        CFCons f (appCfuncs fs' (Cfuncs.lift _ fs''))

Fixpoint bindCfunc (G : list cty) (ts : ctys) (cfs : cfuncs G ts) {struct cfs}
  : forall ctx args, cfunc (G ++ ts) (CProd ctx :: args) -> cfuncs G (ts ++ CCode ctx args :: nil) :=
    match cfs in (cfuncs G ts)
      return (forall ctx args, cfunc (G ++ ts) (CProd ctx :: args)
        -> cfuncs G (ts ++ CCode ctx args :: nil)) with
      | CFNil _ => fun _ _ cf => Cfuncs.termNil (CFCons cf (CFNil _))
      | CFCons _ _ _ _ cf cfs' => fun _ _ cf' =>
        CFCons cf (bindCfunc cfs' (Cfunc.front cf'))

Fixpoint ccArgs (G : list oty) (t : otys) (args : oargs G t) {struct args}
  : cargs (map ccTy G) (map ccTy t) :=
  match args in (oargs G t) return (cargs (map ccTy G) (map ccTy t)) with
    | OANil _ => CANil _
    | OACons _ _ _ v args' => CACons (VarConvert _ v) (ccArgs args')

Hint Constructors cproj.

Definition grabCproj : forall G0 G' a G,
  cproj G0 (Build_cprojTy (G' ++ a :: G) a).

Definition grabCproj'' : forall G0 G' G'0 a G,
  cproj G0 (Build_cprojTy (G' +++ G'0 ++ a :: G) a).

Definition grabCproj' : forall G0 G' a G,
  cproj G0 (Build_cprojTy (G' +++ a :: G) a).

Definition close'' : forall GG ts (f : cfunc GG ts)
  G1 a G G' ftys, GG = G1 ++ a :: G ++ CProd (G' +++ a :: G) :: ftys
  -> isSmall a
  -> cfunc (G1 ++ G ++ CProd (G' +++ a :: G) :: ftys) ts.

Ltac bool_simpl :=
  repeat (match goal with
            | [ H : _ |- _ ] =>
              (generalize (andb_prop _ _ H)
                || generalize (orb_prop _ _ H));
              clear H; intro H
  || apply andb_true_intro
    || apply orb_true_intro).

Definition close' : forall (G ts ftys : list cty) G',
  isSmalls G
  -> cfunc (G ++ CProd (G' +++ G) :: ftys) ts -> cfunc (CProd (G' +++ G) :: ftys) ts.

Definition close : forall (G ts ftys : list cty) (f : cfunc (G ++ ftys) ts),
  isSmalls G
  -> cfunc ftys (CProd G :: ts).

Implicit Arguments close [G ftys ts].

Fixpoint buildEnv (G : list cty) : forall (vi : varInfo G) ts, cargs (G ++ ts) (varInfo_apply G vi) :=
  match G return (forall (vi : varInfo G) ts, cargs (G ++ ts) (varInfo_apply G vi)) with
    | nil => fun _ _ => CANil _
    | t :: G' => fun vi ts =>
      match vi return cargs (t :: G' ++ ts) (varInfo_apply (t :: G') vi) with
        | (true, vi') => CACons (First _ _) (Cargs.lift _ (buildEnv _ vi' _))
        | (false, vi') => Cargs.lift _ (buildEnv _ vi' _)

Fixpoint ccPrimop (G : list oty) (t : oty) (op : oprimop G t) {struct op}
  : cpprog (map ccTy G) (ccTy t) :=
  match op in (oprimop G t) return cpprog (map ccTy G) (ccTy t) with
    | OVar _ _ v => Build_cwithProg _ (CFNil _) (CVar (exist _ _ (ccTySmall _)) (VarNil (VarConvert _ v)))
    | OConst _ n => Build_cwithProg _ (CFNil _) (CConst _ n)
    | OLam _ _ cont =>
      let (ftys, cfs, cont') := ccCont cont in
        Build_cwithProg cty (term:= cprimop)
          cfs (close (ftys:= ftys) (Cfunc.strengthen_app (G1:= nil) cont') (ccTysViSmall _ _)))
          (exist _ _ (ccTysViSmall _ _))
          (lastVar' _ _ _)
          (buildEnv _ _ _))

  with ccCont (G : list oty) (ts : otys) (cont : ocont G ts) {struct cont}
  : cfprog (map ccTy G) (map ccTy ts) :=
  match cont in (ocont G ts) return (cfprog (map ccTy G) (map ccTy ts)) with
    | OCNil _ lin =>
      let (_, cfs, lin') := ccLinear lin in
        Build_cwithProg _
        (CFBody lin')
    | OCCons _ _ _ cont' =>
      let (_, cfs, cont'') := ccCont cont' in
        Build_cwithProg _
        (CFLam (exist _ _ (ccTySmall _)) cont'')

  with ccLinear (G : list oty) (t : unit) (lin : olinear G t) {struct lin}
  : cprog (map ccTy G) t :=
  match lin in (olinear G t) return (cprog (map ccTy G) t) with
    | OApply _ _ f args =>
      Build_cwithProg _
      (CFNil _)
        (exist _ _ (ccTysSmall _))
        (liftVarEnd _ (VarConvert ccTy f))
        (Cargs.liftEnd _ (ccArgs args)))
    | OBind _ _ op lin' =>
      let (_, cfs1, op') := ccPrimop op in
        let (_, cfs2, lin'') := ccLinear lin' in
          Build_cwithProg _
          (appCfuncs cfs1 cfs2)
            (exist _ _ (ccTySmall _))
            (Cprimop.liftEnd' _ op')
            (Clinear.liftMiddle _ lin''))

Logical relations

Fixpoint val_lr (t : oty) : otyDenote t -> ctyDenote (ccTy t) -> Prop :=
  match t return (otyDenote t -> ctyDenote (ccTy t) -> Prop) with
    | ONat => fun n1 n2 =>
      n1 = n2
    | OCont ts => fun f1 f2 =>
      forall args1 args2,
        (fix vals_lr (ts : otys) : otysDenote ts -> ctysDenote (map ccTy ts) -> Prop :=
          match ts return (otysDenote ts -> ctysDenote (map ccTy ts) -> Prop) with
            | nil => fun _ _ => True
            | t :: ts' => fun a1 a2 =>
              val_lr t (fst a1) (fst a2)
              /\ vals_lr ts' (snd a1) (snd a2)
          end) _ args1 args2
        -> f1 args1 = f2 args2

Fixpoint vals_lr (ts : otys) : otysDenote ts -> ctysDenote (map ccTy ts) -> Prop :=
  match ts return (otysDenote ts -> ctysDenote (map ccTy ts) -> Prop) with
    | nil => fun _ _ => True
    | t :: ts' => fun a1 a2 =>
      val_lr t (fst a1) (fst a2)
      /\ vals_lr ts' (snd a1) (snd a2)

Hint Constructors Subst_lr.
Definition Subst_lr := Subst_lr ccTy val_lr.
Hint Unfold Subst_lr.

Definition primop_lr G t (pop : oprimop G t) (prog : cpprog (map ccTy G) (ccTy t)) :=
  forall s s', Subst_lr s s'
    -> val_lr t (oprimopDenote pop s) (cpprogDenote prog s').

Definition linear_lr G t (lin : olinear G t) (prog : cprog (map ccTy G) t) :=
  forall s s', Subst_lr s s'
    -> olinearDenote lin s = cprogDenote prog s'.

Definition cont_lr G ts (cont : ocont G ts) (cont' : cfprog (map ccTy G) (map ccTy ts)) :=
  forall s s', Subst_lr s s'
    -> forall args1 args2,
      vals_lr _ args1 args2
      -> ocontDenote cont s args1 = cfprogDenote cont' s' args2.

Definition args_lr G ts (args : oargs G ts) (args' : cargs (map ccTy G) (map ccTy ts)) :=
  forall s s', Subst_lr s s'
    -> vals_lr ts (oargsDenote args s) (cargsDenote args' s').

Auxiliary soundness lemmas

Lemma splitCtysSubst : forall G cFns1
  (cDefs1 : cfuncs G cFns1) cFns2 (cDefs2 : cfuncs G cFns2) s,
  ctysSubst (cfuncsDenote (appCfuncs cDefs1 cDefs2) s)
  = appSubst
  (ctysSubst (cfuncsDenote cDefs1 s))
  (ctysSubst (cfuncsDenote cDefs2 s)).

Definition cfhead : forall G ctx dom ts, cfuncs G (CCode ctx dom :: ts) -> cfunc G (CProd ctx :: dom).

Lemma cast_CFCons : forall G ctx dom (cf : cfunc (G ++ nil) (CProd ctx :: dom)) Heq,
  cfhead (eq_rect (G ++ nil) (fun G => cfuncs G _)
    (CFCons cf (CFNil _)) G Heq)
  = eq_rect _ (fun G => cfunc G _) cf _ Heq.

Lemma invert_cfuncs_nil' : forall (G : list cty) ts
  (cfs : cfuncs G ts)
  (Heq : nil = ts),
  cfs = eq_rect _ (cfuncs G) (CFNil _) _ Heq.

Lemma invert_cfuncs_nil : forall (G : list cty)
  (cfs : cfuncs G nil),
  cfs = CFNil _.

Lemma invert_cfuncs_cons' : forall (G : list cty) ts
  (cfs : cfuncs G ts)
  ctx dom (Heq : CCode ctx dom :: nil = ts),
  exists cf, cfs = eq_rect _ (cfuncs G) (CFCons cf (CFNil _)) _ Heq.

Lemma invert_cfuncs_cons : forall (G : list cty) ctx dom
  (cfs : cfuncs G (CCode ctx dom :: nil)),
  exists cf, cfs = CFCons cf (CFNil _).

Lemma bindCfunc_sound : forall G G2 (defs : cfuncs G G2)
  (ctx : list cty) (dom : ctys)
  (s : Subst ctyDenote G)
  (cf : cfunc (G ++ G2) (CProd ctx :: dom)),
    (bindCfunc defs cf) s)
  = appSubst
  (ctysSubst (cfuncsDenote defs s))
  (SCons (denote:= ctyDenote)
    (CCode _ _)
    (cfuncDenote cf (appSubst s (ctysSubst (cfuncsDenote defs s))))
    (SNil _)).

Lemma closureVar_sound : forall G1 G2 ctx args s defs cf,
  (lastVar' G1 G2 (CCode ctx args))
  (appSubst s
        (bindCfunc defs cf) (SNil _))))
  = cfuncDenote cf (ctysSubst (cfuncsDenote defs (SNil _))).

Fixpoint buildEnv' (G : list cty) : forall ts, cargs (G ++ ts) G :=
  match G return (forall ts, cargs (G ++ ts) G) with
    | nil => fun _ => CANil _
    | _ :: _ => fun ts => CACons (First _ _) (Cargs.lift _ (buildEnv' _ _))

Definition ctysDenote_tail : forall ts1 ts2, ctysDenote (ts1 ++ ts2)
  -> ctysDenote ts2.

Definition ctysDenote_tail'' : forall ts1 ts1' ts2, ctysDenote (ts1 +++ ts1' ++ ts2)
  -> ctysDenote ts2.

Definition ctysDenote_tail' : forall ts1 ts2, ctysDenote (ts1 +++ ts2)
  -> ctysDenote ts2.

Definition read_ctys ts1 a ts2 (args : ctysDenote (ts1 ++ a :: ts2))
  : ctyDenote a := fst (ctysDenote_tail _ _ args).

Definition read_ctys'' ts1 ts1' a ts2 (args : ctysDenote (ts1 +++ ts1' ++ a :: ts2))
  : ctyDenote a := fst (ctysDenote_tail'' _ _ _ args).

Definition read_ctys' ts1 a ts2 (args : ctysDenote (ts1 +++ a :: ts2))
  : ctyDenote a := fst (ctysDenote_tail' _ _ args).

Implicit Arguments read_ctys' [ts1 a ts2].

Lemma grabCproj_sound : forall G0 G' a G s args,
  cprojDenote (grabCproj G0 G' a G) s args
  = read_ctys _ _ _ args.

Lemma grabCproj''_sound : forall G0 G' G'0 a G s args,
  cprojDenote (grabCproj'' G0 G' G'0 a G) s args
  = read_ctys'' _ _ _ _ args.

Lemma grabCproj'_sound : forall G0 G' a G s args,
  cprojDenote (grabCproj' G0 G' a G) s args
  = read_ctys' args.

Lemma close''_sound : forall GG ts (f : cfunc GG ts)
  G1 a G G' ftys (Heq : GG = G1 ++ a :: G ++ CProd (G' +++ a :: G) :: ftys)
  Hsmall s1 s2 x s3 args,
  cfuncDenote (close'' f _ _ _ _ Heq Hsmall)
  (appSubst s1 (appSubst s2 (SCons _ x s3))) args
  = cfuncDenote f
  (eq_rect _ (Subst ctyDenote)
    (appSubst s1
      (SCons _ (read_ctys' x)
        (appSubst s2 (SCons _ x s3))))
    _ (sym_eq Heq)) args.

Lemma tail_split : forall ts1 ts2 ts3 x Heq,
  ctysDenote_tail (ts1 ++ ts2) ts3 x
  = ctysDenote_tail _ _
  (ctysDenote_tail ts1 (ts2 ++ ts3)
    (eq_rect _ ctysDenote x _ Heq)).

Lemma tail_split_pf : forall ts1 ts2 ts3 x,
  ctysDenote_tail (ts1 ++ ts2) ts3 x
  = ctysDenote_tail _ _
  (ctysDenote_tail ts1 (ts2 ++ ts3)
    (eq_rect _ ctysDenote x _ (app_ass _ _ _))).

Lemma revApp_ass :forall ts1 ts' ts2 : list cty,
  ts1 +++ ts' ++ ts2 = (rev ts1 ++ ts') ++ ts2.

Lemma tail''_tail : forall ts1 ts' ts2 x Heq,
  ctysDenote_tail'' ts1 ts' ts2 x =
  ctysDenote_tail (rev ts1 ++ ts') ts2
  (eq_rect _ ctysDenote x _ Heq).

Lemma tail'_tail : forall ts1 ts2 x Heq,
  ctysDenote_tail' ts1 ts2 x =
  ctysDenote_tail (rev ts1) ts2
  (eq_rect _ ctysDenote x _ Heq).

Lemma tail'_tail_pf : forall ts1 ts2 x,
  ctysDenote_tail' ts1 ts2 x =
  ctysDenote_tail (rev ts1) ts2
  (eq_rect _ ctysDenote x _ (revApp_app _ _)).

Lemma tail'_split : forall a G' G x,
  ctysDenote_tail' (a :: G') G x
  = ctysDenote_tail' (a :: nil) G (ctysDenote_tail' G' (a :: G) x).

Lemma close'_sound : forall (G ts ftys : list cty) G'
  Hsmall (f : cfunc (G ++ CProd (G' +++ G) :: ftys) ts)
  x s2 args,
  cfuncDenote (close' _ _ Hsmall f) (SCons _ x s2) args
  = cfuncDenote f (appSubst (ctysSubst (ctysDenote_tail' _ _ x)) (SCons _ x s2)) args.

Lemma buildEnv'_sound : forall G G' s' s'',
  ctysSubst (ts:=G) (cargsDenote (buildEnv' G G') (appSubst s' s''))
  = s'.

Lemma close_sound : forall (G ftys : list cty) (ts : ctys) (f : cfunc (G ++ ftys) ts)
  s s' G' (s'' : Subst ctyDenote G') args2 Hsmalls,
  cfuncDenote (close f Hsmalls) s
    (buildEnv' _ _)
    (appSubst s' s''), args2)
  = cfuncDenote f
  (appSubst s' s)

Lemma cargsDenote_app_nil : forall G dom (args : cargs G dom) Heq s,
  (eq_rec _ (fun l : list cty => cargs l dom)
    args _ Heq)
  (appSubst s (SNil ctyDenote))
  = cargsDenote args s.

Theorem buildEnv_apply : forall (G : list cty) (vi : varInfo G) ts s1 s2,
  cargsDenote (buildEnv G vi ts) (appSubst s1 s2)
  = cargsDenote (buildEnv' (varInfo_apply G vi) ts) (appSubst (Subst_strengthen s1 vi) s2).

Lemma strengthen_app_sound : forall G2 G3 t (e : cfunc (G2 ++ G3) t)
  s2 s3,
  cfuncDenote (Cfunc.strengthen_app (G1:= nil) e)
    (Subst_strengthen s2
      (varInfo_take (Cfunc.freeVars e)))
    s3) = cfuncDenote e (appSubst s2 s3).

Soundness of the translation

Scheme oprimop_scheme := Induction for oprimop Sort Prop
  with olinear_scheme := Induction for olinear Sort Prop
  with ocont_scheme := Induction for ocont Sort Prop
  with oargs_scheme := Induction for oargs Sort Prop.

Hint Rewrite VarNil_sound closureVar_sound
  splitCtysSubst CprimopDenote.liftEnd'_sound
  cargsDenote_app_nil buildEnv_apply
  close_sound strengthen_app_sound : CCify.

Ltac my_simpl := (unfold linear_lr, primop_lr, cont_lr, args_lr,
  withCont_bind, cprogDenote, cpprogDenote, cfprogDenote, cwithProgDenote in *;
  fold ctyDenote in *; fold otyDenote in *; fold vals_lr in *;
    fold ccTy in *;
      autorewrite with CCify;
        try match goal with
              | [ |- context[Cfunc.strengthen_app ?B] ] => rewrite (strengthen_app_sound B)
        try match goal with
              | [ |- context[Clinear.liftMiddle ?fns ?body] ] =>
                rewrite (ClinearDenote.liftMiddle_cons_sound (G'':= fns) body)
        try match goal with
              | [ |- context[ccPrimop ?P] ] => destruct (ccPrimop P)
              | [ |- context[ccLinear ?L] ] => destruct (ccLinear L)
              | [ |- context[ccCont ?C] ] => destruct (ccCont C)

Ltac my_lr_tac := lr_tac ltac:(var_adder val_lr) stricter_inster my_simpl.

Theorem ccLinear_sound : forall G t (e : olinear G t),
  linear_lr e (ccLinear e).

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