Library CTPC.CPS

Target language of CPS transform

Require Import List.

Require Import LambdaTamer.LambdaTamer.

Require Import CTPC.Source.
Require Import CTPC.Continuation.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Term language

pprimop is the language of primitive operations, roughly corresponding to atomic operations of a reasonable abstract machine. plinear is linearized expressions, consisting of a series of bindings of primitive operations followed by a control flow operation, either throwing to a continuation directly or calling a function.


Inductive pprimop : list sty -> sty -> Set :=
  | PVar : forall G t,
    Var G t
    -> pprimop G t
  | PLam : forall G dom ran,
    plinear (dom :: G) ran
    -> pprimop G (SArrow dom ran)
  | PConst : forall G, nat -> pprimop G SNat

    with plinear : list sty -> sty -> Set :=
  | PThrow : forall G t,
    pprimop G t
    -> plinear G t
  | PApply : forall G dom ran t,
    Var G (SArrow dom ran)
    -> Var G dom
    -> Var G (SArrow ran t)
    -> plinear G t
  | PBind : forall G t t',
    pprimop G t'
    -> plinear (t' :: G) t
    -> plinear G t.

Denotational semantics

Fixpoint ptyDenote (t : sty) : Set :=
  match t with
    | SNat => nat
    | SArrow t1 t2 => ptyDenote t1 -> withCont (ptyDenote t2)

Definition pexpDenote (t : sty) := withCont (ptyDenote t).

Fixpoint pprimopDenote (G : list sty) (t : sty) (op : pprimop G t) {struct op}
  : Subst ptyDenote G -> ptyDenote t :=
    match op in (pprimop G t) return (Subst ptyDenote G -> ptyDenote t) with
      | PVar _ _ v => VarDenote v
      | PConst _ n => fun _ => n
      | PLam _ _ _ lin => fun s => fun x => plinearDenote lin (SCons _ x s)

with plinearDenote (G : list sty) (t : sty) (lin : plinear G t) {struct lin}
  : Subst ptyDenote G -> pexpDenote t :=
    match lin in (plinear G t) return (Subst ptyDenote G -> pexpDenote t) with
      | PThrow _ _ op => fun s =>
        (pprimopDenote op s)
      | PApply _ _ _ _ func arg cont => fun s =>
        ((VarDenote func s) (VarDenote arg s))
        (VarDenote cont s)
      | PBind _ _ _ op lin' => fun s =>
        (pprimopDenote op s)
        (fun res => plinearDenote lin' (SCons _ res s))

Build syntactic support code

Syntactify pprimop.
Syntactify pprimopDenote.

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