Library CTPC.CPSify

CPS transform

Require Import List.

Require Import LambdaTamer.LambdaTamer.
Require Import LambdaTamer.Tactics.

Require Import CTPC.Source.
Require Import CTPC.Continuation.
Require Import CTPC.CPS.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Generic syntactic functions and their soundness proofs

Definition insert t G t' (lin : plinear (t :: G) t') t'' : plinear (t :: t'' :: G) t' :=
  Plinear.lift' (t :: nil) G lin t''.

Lemma insert_sound : forall G t t' t'0 (lin : plinear (t :: G) t'0)
  (s : Subst ptyDenote G)
  (x : ptyDenote t') (x0 : ptyDenote t),
  plinearDenote (insert lin t') (SCons t x0 (SCons t' x s)) =
  plinearDenote lin (SCons t x0 s).

Hint Resolve PlinearDenote.lift_sound insert_sound.

The CPS translation

Fixpoint compose (G : list sty) (t : sty) (lin : plinear G t) {struct lin}
  : forall (t' : sty), plinear (t :: G) t' -> plinear G t' :=
    match lin in (plinear G t)
      return (forall (t' : sty), plinear (t :: G) t' -> plinear G t') with
      | PThrow _ _ op => fun _ lin' =>
        PBind op lin'
      | PApply _ _ _ _ func arg cont => fun _ lin' =>
        (PLam (PBind
          (PLam (insert lin' _))
            (liftVar (liftVar cont _) _)
            (Next _ (First _ _))
            (First _ _))))
          (liftVar func _)
          (liftVar arg _)
          (First _ _))
      | PBind _ _ _ op lin' => fun _ lin'' =>
        PBind op (compose lin' (insert lin'' _))

Fixpoint cps (G : list sty) (t : sty) (e : sterm G t) {struct e}
  : plinear G t :=
  match e in (sterm G t) return (plinear G t) with
    | SVar _ _ v => PThrow (PVar v)
    | SConst _ n => PThrow (PConst _ n)
    | SLam _ _ _ e' => PThrow (PLam (cps e'))
    | SApp _ _ _ e1 e2 =>
      compose (cps e1)
      (compose (Plinear.lift _ (cps e2))
          (PLam (PThrow (PVar (First _ _))))
            (Next _ (Next _ (First _ _)))
            (Next _ (First _ _))
            (First _ _))))

Logical relation definitions

Fixpoint val_lr (t : sty) : styDenote t -> ptyDenote t -> Prop :=
  match t return (styDenote t -> ptyDenote t -> Prop) with
    | SNat => fun n1 n2 =>
      n1 = n2
    | SArrow t1 t2 => fun f1 f2 =>
      forall x1 x2, val_lr t1 x1 x2
        -> forall (k : _ -> result),
          exists thrown, f2 x2 k = k thrown
            /\ val_lr t2 (f1 x1) thrown

Hint Constructors SubstU_lr.
Definition Subst_lr := SubstU_lr val_lr.
Hint Unfold Subst_lr.

Definition exp_lr G t (e : sterm G t) (lin : plinear G t) :=
  forall s s', Subst_lr s s'
    -> forall (k : _ -> result),
      exists thrown, plinearDenote lin s' k = k thrown
        /\ val_lr t (stermDenote e s) thrown.

Lemma Subst_lr_Var : forall G (s : Subst styDenote G) s' t v,
  Subst_lr s s'
  -> val_lr t (VarDenote v s) (VarDenote v s').

Hint Resolve Subst_lr_Var.

Some tactics and hints

Ltac my_simpl := (unfold withCont_const, withCont_bind, withCont_compose in * ).

Hint Extern 1 (VarDenote ?A ?B ?C ?D1 = VarDenote ?A ?B ?C ?D2) =>
  replace D2 with D1;
    [reflexivity | idtac].

Hint Extern 1 (plinearDenote ?A ?B ?K1 = plinearDenote ?A ?B ?K2) =>
  replace K2 with K1;
    [reflexivity | idtac].

Hint Extern 1 (plinearDenote ?A1 ?B1 ?K = plinearDenote ?A2 ?B2 ?K) =>
  replace (plinearDenote A1 B1) with (plinearDenote A2 B2);
    [reflexivity | idtac].

Ltac my_equation_tac := equation_tac ltac:my_simpl.

Soundness of compose

Lemma compose_sound : forall (G : list sty) (t : sty) (lin : plinear G t)
  (t' : sty) (lin' : plinear (t :: G) t') s (k : _ -> result),
  plinearDenote (compose lin lin') s k
  = plinearDenote lin s (fun x => plinearDenote lin' (SCons _ x s) k).

Soundness of cps

Ltac my_rewriter :=
  repeat (rewrite compose_sound
    || match goal with
         | [ H : _ |- _ ] =>
           rewrite compose_sound in H
             || rewrite PlinearDenote.lift_sound in H

Ltac my_lr_tac := lr_tac ltac:(var_adder val_lr) ltac:default_inster ltac:(my_simpl; my_rewriter).

Theorem cps_sound : forall G t (e : sterm G t),
  exp_lr e (cps e).

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