Library CTPC.Cont

Continuation-only language

Require Import List.

Require Import LambdaTamer.LambdaTamer.

Require Import CTPC.Continuation.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Type language


Inductive oty : Set :=
  | ONat : oty
  | OCont : list oty -> oty.

Definition otys := list oty.

Denotational semantics

Definition result := nat.

Fixpoint otyDenote (t : oty) : Set :=
  match t with
    | ONat => nat
    | OCont ts =>
      (fix otysDenote (ts : list oty) : Set :=
        match ts with
          | nil => unit
          | t :: ts' => (otyDenote t * otysDenote ts')%type
        end) ts -> result

Fixpoint otysDenote (ts : list oty) : Set :=
  match ts with
    | nil => unit
    | t :: ts' => (otyDenote t * otysDenote ts')%type

Term language


Inductive oprimop : list oty -> oty -> Set :=
  | OVar : forall G t,
    Var G t
    -> oprimop G t
  | OLam : forall G dom,
    ocont G dom
    -> oprimop G (OCont dom)
  | OConst : forall G, nat -> oprimop G ONat

    with olinear : list oty -> unit -> Set :=
  | OApply : forall G dom,
    Var G (OCont dom)
    -> oargs G dom
    -> olinear G tt
  | OBind : forall G t,
    oprimop G t
    -> olinear (t :: G) tt
    -> olinear G tt

    with ocont : list oty -> otys -> Set :=
  | OCNil : forall G,
    olinear G tt
    -> ocont G nil
  | OCCons : forall G t ts,
    ocont (t :: G) ts
    -> ocont G (t :: ts)

    with oargs : list oty -> otys -> Set :=
  | OANil : forall G, oargs G nil
  | OACons : forall G t ts,
    Var G t
    -> oargs G ts
    -> oargs G (t :: ts).

Denotational semantics

Definition oresultDenote (_ : unit) := result.

Definition ocontTy (ts : otys) := otysDenote ts -> result.

Fixpoint oprimopDenote (G : list oty) (t : oty) (op : oprimop G t) {struct op}
  : Subst otyDenote G -> otyDenote t :=
    match op in (oprimop G t) return (Subst otyDenote G -> otyDenote t) with
      | OVar _ _ v => VarDenote v
      | OConst _ n => fun _ => n
      | OLam _ _ cont => ocontDenote cont

    with olinearDenote (G : list oty) (t : unit) (lin : olinear G t) {struct lin}
    : Subst otyDenote G -> oresultDenote t :=
    match lin in (olinear G t) return (Subst otyDenote G -> oresultDenote t) with
      | OApply _ _ func args => fun s =>
        (VarDenote func s) (oargsDenote args s)
      | OBind _ _ op lin' => fun s =>
        (oprimopDenote op s)
        (fun res => olinearDenote lin' (SCons _ res s))
    with ocontDenote (G : list oty) (ts : otys) (cont : ocont G ts) {struct cont}
    : Subst otyDenote G -> ocontTy ts :=
    match cont in (ocont G ts) return (Subst otyDenote G -> ocontTy ts) with
      | OCNil _ lin => fun s _ => olinearDenote lin s
      | OCCons _ _ _ cont' => fun s args => ocontDenote cont' (SCons _ (fst args) s) (snd args)

    with oargsDenote (G : list oty) (ts : otys) (args : oargs G ts) {struct args}
    : Subst otyDenote G -> otysDenote ts :=
    match args in (oargs G ts) return (Subst otyDenote G -> otysDenote ts) with
      | OANil _ => fun _ => tt
      | OACons _ _ _ v args' => fun s => (VarDenote v s, oargsDenote args' s)

Build syntactic support code

Syntactify oprimop.
Syntactify oprimopDenote.

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