Library CTPC.Flat

Target language of binding flattening

Require Import Arith List.

Require Import LambdaTamer.ListUtil.
Require Import LambdaTamer.LambdaTamer.

Require Import CTPC.AllocMonad.
Require Import CTPC.Trace.
Require Import CTPC.Dict.

Require Import CTPC.Alloc.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Instantiating some maps

Module NatKey <: DICT_DOMAIN.
  Definition A := nat.
  Definition A_eq_dec := eq_nat_dec.
End NatKey.

Module NatDict := Dict(NatKey).

Type language

Definition ftyping := NatDict.dict aty.

Term language


Inductive fargs : ftyping -> atys -> Set :=
  | FANil : forall G, fargs G nil
  | FACons : forall G ts sl,
    fargs G ts
    -> fargs G (NatDict.sel G sl :: ts).

Inductive fprimop : ftyping -> aty -> Set :=
  | FSlot : forall G sl,
    fprimop G (NatDict.sel G sl)
  | FConst : forall G,
    -> fprimop G ANat
  | FCodeptr : forall G args,
    -> fprimop G (ACode args)
  | FNew : forall G ts,
    fargs G ts
    -> fprimop G ARef
  | FProj : forall G t sl,
    NatDict.sel G sl = ARef
    -> nat
    -> fprimop G t.

Section fprecondition.
   Variable tp : ftyping.
   Variable ts : atys.

  Definition fprecondition :=
    forall n t,
      nth_error ts n = Some t
      -> NatDict.sel tp n = t.
End fprecondition.

Inductive flinear : ftyping -> Set :=
  | FJump : forall G args sl,
    NatDict.sel G sl = ACode args
    -> fprecondition G args
    -> flinear G
  | FSet : forall G sl t,
    fprimop G t
    -> flinear (NatDict.upd G sl t)
    -> flinear G.

Denotational semantics

Definition slots := NatDict.dict nat.

Fixpoint fargsDenote G ctx (e : fargs G ctx) (sls : slots) {struct e} : list adom :=
  match e with
    | FANil _ => nil
    | FACons _ _ v e' => (tagof (NatDict.sel G v), NatDict.sel sls v) :: fargsDenote e' sls

Definition fprimopDenote G t (op : fprimop G t) (sls : slots)
  : allocM adom nat :=
  match op with
    | FSlot _ v => aReturn (NatDict.sel sls v)
    | FConst _ n => aReturn n
    | FCodeptr _ _ n => aReturn (S n)
    | FNew _ _ fs => aNew (fargsDenote fs sls)
    | FProj _ _ v _ n =>
      d <- aRead (NatDict.sel sls v) n;
      checkTag (tagof t) d
        (fun x => aReturn x)
        (aBottom _)

Fixpoint flinearDenote G (lin : flinear G) (sls : slots) {struct lin}
  : allocM adom (nat * atys * slots)%type :=
  match lin with
    | FJump _ argsT func _ _ =>
      aReturn (NatDict.sel sls func, argsT, sls)
    | FSet _ sl _ op lin' =>
      v <- fprimopDenote op sls;
      flinearDenote lin' (NatDict.upd sls sl v)



Record fprog (G : ftyping) : Set := {
  fFuncTys : list ftyping;
  fFuncs : listI flinear fFuncTys;
  fBody : flinear G

Co-inductive trace semantics

Section flatContext'.
   Variable tp0 : ftyping.

  Fixpoint flatContext' (G : list aty) : ftyping :=
    match G with
      | nil => tp0
      | t :: G' => NatDict.upd (flatContext' G') (length G') t
End flatContext'.

Definition flatContext := flatContext' (NatDict.empty ANat).

Section Traces.
   Variable G : ftyping.
   Variable pr : fprog G.

  CoFixpoint fmakeTrace (m : mem adom) (pc : nat) (argsT : atys) (sls : slots) : trace nat :=
    match pc with
      | O =>
        match argsT with
          | _ :: ANat :: nil => Output (NatDict.sel sls 1)
          | _ => Crash
      | S pc =>
        match nthI (fFuncs pr) pc with
          | None => Crash
          | Some (existS ts f) =>
            if NatDict.dict_eq_dec aty_eq_dec ts (flatContext (argsT +++ nil))
            then match flinearDenote f sls m with
                   | None => Crash
                   | Some (m', (pc', argsT', sls')) => Call (fmakeTrace m' pc' argsT' sls')
              else Crash

  Definition fprogDenote (sls : slots) (m : mem adom) :=
    match flinearDenote (fBody pr) sls m with
      | None => Crash
      | Some (m', (pc, argsT', sls')) => fmakeTrace m' pc argsT' sls'

  Theorem fmakeTrace_unfold_external : forall m t1 sls,
    fmakeTrace m O (t1 :: ANat :: nil) sls
    = Output (NatDict.sel sls 1).

  Theorem fmakeTrace_unfold_internal : forall pc argsT ts f,
    nthI (fFuncs pr) pc = Some (existS _ ts f)
    -> ts = flatContext (argsT +++ nil)
    -> forall m sls m' pc' argsT' sls', flinearDenote f sls m = Some (m', (pc', argsT', sls'))
      -> fmakeTrace m (S pc) argsT sls
      = Call (fmakeTrace m' pc' argsT' sls').
End Traces.

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