Library CTPC.Source

A simply-typed lambda calculus

Require Import List.

Require Import LambdaTamer.Binding.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Type language


Inductive sty : Set :=
  | SNat : sty
  | SArrow : sty -> sty -> sty.

Denotational semantics

Fixpoint styDenote (t : sty) : Set :=
  match t with
    | SNat => nat
    | SArrow t1 t2 => styDenote t1 -> styDenote t2

Term language


Inductive sterm : list sty -> sty -> Set :=
  | SVar : forall G t,
    Var G t
    -> sterm G t
  | SLam : forall G dom ran,
    sterm (dom :: G) ran
    -> sterm G (SArrow dom ran)
  | SApp : forall G dom ran,
    sterm G (SArrow dom ran)
    -> sterm G dom
    -> sterm G ran

  | SConst : forall G, nat -> sterm G (SNat).

Denotational semantics

Fixpoint stermDenote (G : list sty) (t : sty) (e : sterm G t) {struct e}
  : Subst styDenote G -> styDenote t :=
  match e in (sterm G t) return (Subst styDenote G -> styDenote t) with
    | SVar _ _ v => VarDenote v
    | SLam _ _ _ e' => fun s x => stermDenote e' (SCons _ x s)
    | SApp _ _ _ e1 e2 => fun s => (stermDenote e1 s) (stermDenote e2 s)

    | SConst _ n => fun _ => n

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