Library LambdaTamer.Tactics

Require Import LambdaTamer.Ext.
Require Import LambdaTamer.Binding.

Hint Extern 1 ((fun x => _) = (fun y => _)) =>
  apply ext_eq; intro.

Ltac equation_tac simplifier :=
  simpl; intuition; repeat progress (simplifier; simpl in *; unfold eq_rect_r in *; simpl in *);
    repeat match goal with
             | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
    eauto 6.

Ltac smash' inster :=
  match goal with
    | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => destruct H; intuition
    | [ H : ?T -> _ |- _ ] =>
      match type of T with
        | Prop => idtac
      let pf := fresh "pf" in
        (assert (pf : T);
          [eauto; fail | generalize (H pf); clear H pf; intro H])
    | [ H : forall (s : ?T), _ |- _ ] =>
      inster T ltac:(fun x => (generalize (H x); clear H; intro H))
    | [ |- context[fun x : ?T => ?E x] ] =>
      replace (fun x : T => E x) with E;
        [idtac | apply ext_eq; intro; reflexivity]

Ltac default_inster T k :=
  match goal with
    | [ x : _ |- _ ] => k x
    | [ |- context[?E] ] => k E
    | [ H' : context[?E] |- _ ] =>
      match type of H' with
        | _ = _ => k E

Ltac stricter_inster T k :=
  match T with
    | Set =>
      match goal with
        | [ x : Set |- _ ] => k x
      fail 1
    | _ =>
      match goal with
        | [ x : _, s : _ |- _ ] => k (SCons _ x s)
        | [ H : context[?E], s : _ |- _ ] => k (SCons _ E s)
        | [ H : context[?E] |- _ ] => k E
        | _ => default_inster T k

Ltac smash inster := repeat smash' inster; intuition eauto.

Ltac lr_tac' inster simplifier :=
  repeat progress (simplifier; simpl in *; unfold eq_rect_r in *; simpl in *; smash inster);
    repeat (match goal with
              | [ |- exists x : ?T, _ ] => inster T ltac:(fun x => exists x)
            end; intuition);
      repeat match goal with
               | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
      smash inster.

Ltac var_adder val_lr :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ v : Var ?G ?t |- _ ] =>
             match goal with
               | [ H : val_lr _ (VarDenote v _) _ |- _ ] => fail 1
               | [ H : _ |- _ ] => generalize (Subst_lr_Var v H); intro

Ltac var_adder_two val_lr :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ v : Var ?G ?t |- _ ] =>
             match goal with
               | [ H : val_lr _ _ (VarDenote v _) _ |- _ ] => fail 1
               | [ H : _ |- _ ] => generalize (Subst_lr_Var v H); intro

Ltac lr_tacN n adder inster simplifier :=
  match n with
    | O => idtac
    | S ?n' =>
      lr_tac' inster simplifier;
      lr_tacN n' adder inster simplifier

Ltac lr_tac := lr_tacN 2.

Hint Extern 1 (Binding.Subst_lr _ ?val_lr (SCons ?dom ?xp _) (SCons _ ?xo _)) =>
  match goal with
    | [ H1 : val_lr _ _ _, H0 : _ |- _ ] =>
      generalize (Slr_Cons dom xp xo H1 H0); trivial; fail

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