Lambda Tamer documentation

This page documents the installation and implementation of the code associated with the Lambda Tamer project, including the core object language definition support and the certified type-preserving compiler.

Prerequisites for Installation

You'll need the following software:

  • The Coq proof assistant, version 8.0pl3. You might be able to get away with using other versions, but I know that the 8.1 preview releases won't work. I have to be so picky because the generic programming piece reaches into Coq's internals. Installing Debian Linux package coq is sufficient, and I recommend proofgeneral-coq for editing Coq developments in emacs. You'll need the Coq source tree as well, to build the generic programming extension. In Debian, apt-get source coq suffices to install this source tree into the current directory.
  • Objective Caml version 3.09.2 or higher, which you can obtain from Debian package ocaml.
  • OCamlMakefile, a generic Makefile for building OCaml programs. Configuration will be easiest if you install it into either /usr/include or /usr/local/include.

    I've really only tested this in Debian Linux, so things might not work elsewhere.

  • Obtaining the Source Code

    From the SourceForge download page, you can obtain an ltamer tarball for the main library and a ctpc tarball for the compiler.


    In the directory where you unpacked the ltamer tarball, run:

    ./configure COQSRC=/path/to/coq/source/tree

    and then


    Make sure you've built Coq from source in the directory you've specified (by following the directions in the Coq source distribution) before runing make here. If you installed OCamlMakefile somewhere besides one of the recommended places, pass an additional configure command-line argument OCAMLMAKEFILE=/path/to/it.

    In the directory where you unpacked the ctpc tarball, run:


    and then


    With a non-standard OCamlMakefile location, pass the same extra argument as above. If you haven't checked out the two tarballs into subdirectories of the same parent directory, then you'll need to pass configure a command-line argument specifying LTAMERHOME.

    Unless you have a really beefy machine or are willing to let this build overnight, you probably want to run make with the environment variable LTAMER_DEBUG set to at least 1, which asserts as axioms some of the more computationally-expensive proofs associated with generic programming. At debug level 1, it is still possible to extract an executable compiler that really runs. If building is still too RAM-intensive, try setting LTAMER_DEBUG to 2, which will also assert as axioms some functions with real computational content. You won't be able to extract an executable compiler from the result of such a build.

    Testing the Installation

    From the directory where you've built ltamer, you can follow this interaction to load the simply-typed lambda calculus example language and trigger the automatic construction of syntactic support functions and their associated correctness proofs.

    $ make coqtop
    bin/coqtop -impredicative-set -R src/coq LambdaTamer
    Welcome to Coq 8.0pl3 (Jan 2006)
    Coq < Load "examples/STLC".
    Coq < Syntactify term.
    (* Various chatty output *)
    Coq < Syntactify termDenote.
    (* Various chatty output *)
    Coq < Print Module Term.
    (* Signature of Term module, containing auto-generated syntactic helper functions *)
    Coq < Print Module TermDenote.
    (* Signature of TermDenote module, containing auto-generated correctness proofs *)
    Coq < Check Term.lift.
         : forall (t' : ty) (G : list ty) (t : ty), term G t -> term (t' :: G) t
    Coq < Check TermDenote.lift_sound.
         : forall (G : list ty) (t : ty) (e : term G t)
             (t' : ty) (v : tyDenote t') (s : Subst tyDenote G),
           termDenote (Term.lift t' e) (SCons t' v s) = termDenote e s

    To check that CTPC (the certified type-preserving compiler) built properly, try this from the directory where you unpacked the ctpc tarball:

    $ bin/ctpc tests/id.src
    r3 := r2.0
    r4 := r2.1
    r7 := r3
    r6 := r1
    r5 := r4
    r1 := r6
    r0 := r5
    jump r7
    r1 := new([r0], [])
    r2 := 1
    r3 := new([r1,r0], [r2,r1])
    r4 := r0.0
    r5 := r0.1
    r8 := r4
    r7 := r3
    r6 := r5
    r1 := r7
    r0 := r6
    jump r8

    You might also want to poke around the Coq development interactively:

    $ make coqtop
    $(LTAMERHOME)/bin/coqtop -impredicative-set -R $(LTAMERHOME)/src/coq LambdaTamer -R $(CTPCHOME)/src/coq CTPC
    Welcome to Coq 8.0pl3 (Jan 2006)
    Coq < Require Import CTPC.Compile.
    Coq < Check compile_term.
         : forall t : Source.sty, Source.sterm List.nil t -> Asm.program

    A word of warning about this code in general: There is some majorly computationally intensive stuff here, so don't be surprised at long build/run times! The main expensive things are brute-force proof search in the CTPC correctness proof and the delicate reflective stuff used for generic programming.

    The LambdaTamer Coq library

    The Coq source is located in ltamer/src/coq. This part is rather sparsely-commented, since it's mostly nasty, and clients of the library would be better off not peeking into the implementation details.

    Module Description
    Ext Assume the axiom of functional extensionality
    ListT Type-level and dependently-typed list variants
    ListUtil Regular list support code and theorems
    Binding Formalizing variable binding, contexts, and substitutions
    AutoSyntax The part of helper function generic programming that is implemented in Coq
    LambdaTamer Re-exports the modules needed to define new object languages

    Generic programming Coq extension

    In ltamer/src/ocaml, there is the OCaml code implementing a Coq extension to support generic programming of object language-specific helper functions. The implementation is very awful-looking, so I won't even begin trying to document it here! The Makefile should build a custom ltamer/bin/coqtop that supports this extension via the Syntactify command. Check ltamer/examples/STLC.v and the other contents of that directory to see how to use this stuff.

    The CTPC Coq library

    The Coq source is located in ctpc/src/coq.

    Module Description
    Dict Applicative dictionaries
    Trace Co-inductive program traces
    Source The compiler's source language, simply-typed lambda calculus
    Continuation Some continuations support code
    CPS A linearized language with special continuation support
    CPSify Translation from Source to CPS with correctness proof
    Cont A linearized language with multiple-argument continuations
    Contify Translation from CPS to Cont with correctness proof
    CC Target language of closure conversion
    CCify Translation from Cont to CC with correctness proof
    AllocMonad A monadic description of heap manipulation
    Alloc Language with explicit heap-allocation of records
    Allocify Translation from CC to Alloc with correctness proof
    Flat Language with registers and no variables
    Flatify Translation from Alloc to Flat with correctness proof
    Safety Garbage collection safety theorem for Flat
    Asm The compiler's target language, an idealized assembly language
    Asmify Translation from Flat to Asm with correctness proof
    Compile Putting it all together

    The extracted CTPC compiler

    The default make target will first compile all of the Coq sources and then extract OCaml code from the result into ctpc/src/ocaml/ The rest of the code in ctpc/src/ocaml implements parsing and type-checking of inputs and pretty-printing of outputs, mostly serving as a driver for the mammoth hunk of code in Running ctpc/bin/ctpc filename.src tries to compile source file filename.src and pretty-print the result. Some example sources are found in ctpc/tests.